La Amapola
Family representative: Andrés Cuartas Cardona

La Amapola farm is located in the rural area La Paz in the San José del Fragua municipality in the Andean-Amazonian piedmont of Caquetá department, Colombia. The farm has a size of 39.84 hectares, of which 10.62 hectares are of conserved forest and 0.99 hectares of cocoa CCN 51, ICS 95, and Hybrid varieties in shading polyculture crops.

I) La Aampola farm is part of the potential connectivity area of habitat for the jaguar and other fauna and flora wild species.
II) Three mammal species are registered on the farm, including coati, anteater, and Humboldt’s squirrel monkey populations. Within the area are also South American coati, lowland paca, armadillo, squirrel, and black populations.
III) The farm adjoins one river and two streams protected by riparian vegetation, 10.62 hectares of native forest with species such as cedro, yarumo, guarango, nogal, guamo, and chirimoyos, and 0.99 hectares of under-shade cocoa polyculture crops.

OSO MELERO – Tamandua tetradactyla
Species found on the farm
About the family
From Doncello Caquetá, Andrés and his family, displaced by conflict, found refuge on a farm inherited from their parents. With agricultural roots from his father and the warmth of a home given by his mother, they turned to cocoa as their economic salvation. Despite challenges, such as wildlife threatening their chickens, they remain steadfast in their commitment to guarding the forest and fauna.