El Triunfo

Family representative: Wilmer Moreno Escobar


El Triunfo farm is located in the rural area Granada in the El Doncello municipality in the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquetá department, Colombia. The farm has a size of 113.97 hectares, of which 1.71 hectares are in riparian forest and conservation and 6.34 hectares of cocoa Hybrid and CCN 51 varieties in shade-grown crops.


I) El Triunfo farm is part of the potential connectivity area of habitat for the jaguar and other fauna and flora wild species.

II) Within the area, populations of armadillo, crab-eating fox, squirrel, and black agouti have been seen. Through trap cameras, tayra populations have been registered.

III) The farm adjoins the Guayas river and has one water spring protected by riparian vegetation, 1.71 hectares of native forest with species such as Nogal, abarco, teca, and cedro, and 6.34 hectares of under-shade cocoa crops.



This map shows the general boundary location of El Triunfo farm concerning the jaguar habitat.



These maps show the distribution and type of land cover present on El Triunfo farm.


OSO MELERO Tamandua tetradactyla

Species found on the farm

About the family

Wilmer, originally from San José del Chocó, found a home on a farm that hid a treasure within its lands: ancient cocoa crops. Although he didn’t carry the scars of the armed conflict and embarked on this journey without his parents by his side, his respect and love for the land led him to make an admirable decision: to preserve and protect the forest surrounding the farm. His choice honors his legacy and signifies a commitment to the future and preserving the environment.