El Palmichal
Family representative: Ruben Zabala Cifuentes

El Palmichal farm is located in the rural area of Palmichal bajo in the Cienaga municipality in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Magdalena department, Colombia. The farm has a size of 140 hectares, of which 70 hectares are conserved forest and 20 hectares of Castillo and Supremo coffee under-shade.

I) El Palmichal farm is part of the potential connectivity area of habitat for the jaguar and other fauna and flora wild species.
II) The forest areas within the property connect with other forest areas, which increases connectivity at the landscape level.
III) The forest agroecosystem allow several mammal species can be found within the area, such as populations of central american agouti, brocket and long-tailed wesel.

BRACKED – (Mazama sp.)
Species found on the farm
About the family
Ruben’s family love the coffee culture and organic farming traditions of the Sierra Nevada. Mr. Ruben has persevered with a fascination for coffee crops, stemming from a deeply rooted tradition inherited from his parents. As a result, 7 species of mammals have been recorded on the property and are being protected, including the jaguar observed by workers on the forest.