El Diviso
Family representative: Carlina Tapia Perdomo

El Diviso farm is located in the rural area of Monterrey in the San Jose del Fragua municipality in the Andean-Amazonian piedmont of Caquetá department, Colombia. The farm has a size of 26.74 ha, of which 11.18 ha are of conserved forest and 1.46 ha of coffee Castillo and Tabi varieties in sunlight crops.

I) El Diviso farm is part of the potential connectivity area of habitat for the jaguar and other fauna and flora wild species.
II) Three mammal species are registered on the farm: jaguar, tayra, and ñeque. Within the area, there are also guaras populations.
III) The farm has five water springs, 11.18 hectares of native forest with tree species such as castaño, guamo cerindo, flor morado, ahumado, sangre toro, and 1.46 hectares of sunlight coffee crops.

AGUTÍ – Dasyprocta punctata
Species found on the farm
About the family
Carlina and her family arrived in this region from San Vicente de Caguán in an unusual exchange of two houses for this farm. They have been displaced and victims of the armed conflict. Although her parents were far from being farmers, they always instilled in her the importance of having crops. Today, Carlina is passionately dedicated to coffee cultivation, firmly committed to safeguarding the forest, water, and surrounding wildlife.”